Student Code of Conduct


Upper Highland College of Business and Technology strives to maintain standards of excellence as a community committed to personal development. Therefore, we have set standards to promote positive student conduct which is structured around (but not necessarily limited to) the following principles:

Through education, we strive to set examples of the kind of language, attire, hygiene and good manners considered to be important attributes in both career and community involvement. We expect students to:

  • Adopt an attitude of professionalism that will promote a sense of pride in our community
  • Strive to maintain an environment in which proper language without profanity is used in the classroom
  • Wear appropriate attire for the classroom setting, and practice proper hygiene and good manners which are all valued throughout our community
  • Address faculty, staff, other students and visitors in a professional manner

As an Upper Highland student, you are accountable for your actions both in and out of class. Your actions indicate your attitude and perceptions with regard to others as well as to your education. These actions include but are not limited to the following:

  • Attend classes prepared with assigned readings and homework completed
  • Remain in the classroom for the full scheduled time to enhance the learning environment
  • Schedule personal appointments and work schedules outside of school hours.
  • Schedule group meeting times in a mutually convenient manner
  • Meet and work in a productive manner with all group members
  • Complete and submit assignments, reports, and projects on time
  • Students are expected to attend a minimum of 75% of the scheduled classes to constitute regular attendance.
  • Punctuality is important and is consistent with professionalism.
  • Students are expected to participate fully in group projects and presentations.

  • If you cannot hand in an assignment on time, please inform your instructor beforehand. Assignments handed in late will only be accepted at the discretion of the instructor.
  • Quizzes and tests must be written on the scheduled dates. It is at the discretion of the instructor to allow a re-write or rescheduling of a missed test. If you cannot write a test because of illness, please phone the school at 416-498-5558 prior to the start time of the test.
  • Students must retain a copy of each written assignment in case of misplaced work.

Students are considered to be in “good standing” if they complete each module in their chosen program with a passing mark of 60% and are not on dismissal or expulsion status. If they fail to do so, they will be required to re-take the module.

Your classroom behaviour will show courtesy to your fellow students and your instructor at all times.

  • Students may not bring non-student friends to class.
  • Students who need to leave class early should inform the instructor at the beginning of the class.
  • Inappropriate usage of technology in the classroom constitutes disruptive behaviour. Please turn off your cell phone or use the silent mode. If you need to take the call, please do so outside the classroom so as to not disrupt your fellow classmates.
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As an organization within the community, we dedicate ourselves to upholding the reputation and honour of our role in education. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence; all homework, projects, assignments, tests, must be the result of your own work and not that of others.

Forms of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Substituting for or being substituted by another student in an examination or test.
  • Possession or use of unauthorized material in the examination or test room
  • Copying answers from other students’ tests or exams
  • Direct use or paraphrasing of material without acknowledgement of its source (including material taken [or purchased] from the internet)
  • Falsifying data copyright infringement, such as using unlawfully photocopied texts
  • Submitting work as your own that has been done by someone else, whether in whole or in part
  • Making your material available for others to submit as their own work
  • Submission of one piece of work in more than one course without permission of the instructors
  • “Borrowing”, buying or selling of term papers, projects, or assignments